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As a leading independent professional liability insurance brokerage offering customized civil engineers errors and omission insurance policies and risk management solutions, our team at Fenner & Esler is proud to showcase the projects and successes of our clients.    

The $400,000 signal coordination study conducted by Fisher and Associates improved efficiency and safety for the traveling public. Signal Optimization, a Transportation System Management (TSM) tool was used to maximize roadway mobility, capacity, and efficiency without capital construction improvements. Traffic Signal Coordination Studies were provided for multiple corridors where optimized timings provided significant traffic flow improvements with typical Benefit/Cost ratios of 70+ and $1,200,000 per corridor yearly savings in reduced travel times, delays, stops, emissions, and gas consumption.

Traffic Signal Coordination Studies were provided for six major corridors with 142 signals for the City of Buffalo and NYSDOT.  Traffic and geometric data was inventoried to developed three coordination timings for each of the systems. Work elements involved data collection, system timing plan development (cycle lengths, phasing, and timing), signal pre-empt timing development, development of controller input files, analysis of existing operations using Synchro TrafficWare,and before/after evaluations involving speed/delay runs. Signal optimization provided planning information and development/implementation of corridor-wide signal control systems.

The goals and objectives are compatible with the initiatives set forth in New York Statewide Transportation Master Plan to provide:

* Mobility and Reliability
* Improve Air Quality
* Environmental Improvement
* Economic Sustainability and Competitiveness
* Improve Safety
* Maximize existing roadway capacity without costly capital investments

The Signal Coordination Corridors addressed in this study included:

* Clinton Street (Michigan to City Line), 25 signals
* Elmwood Avenue (Tupper to City Line), 39 signals
* Main Street (Goodell to Humboldt), 19 signals
* Sheridan Blvd. (Grand Island Blvd to N. Forest), 25 signals
* Niagara Falls Blvd. (Eggert to County Line), 25 signals
* Main Street (Bailey to I-290), 15 signals

Signal Progression Diagrams

               Niagara Falls Blvd. – Before                                                          Niagara Falls Blvd. – After    

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Fisher Associates Overview

Since 1984, Fisher and Associates has combined their expertise in all aspects of civil engineering with their ability to form long-term relationships with people to provide creative and innovative solutions for a broad range of municipal and state government projects, as well as for clients in the private sector.

With a focus on cost-effective and sustainable design, Fisher and Associates offers these services from their offices based in New York and Pennsylvania:

* Highway Engineering
* Structural Engineering
* Traffic Engineering
* Visualization
* Civil/Site Engineering
* Environmental Engineering
* Surveying
* Construction Inspection
* GIS Mapping Services

Given the risk involved in large-scale engineering projects, our expert team of engineer’s professional liability consultants at Fenner & Esler conducted a comprehensive review of Fisher Associates’ insurance coverage to ensure they had sufficient coverage for the significant liability risks associated with the project. Additionally, our risk management professionals reviewed the contracts related to the project to prevent Fisher Associates from assuming more than their fair share of responsibility for the traffic study and engineering services they provided. Personalized service is the foundation of Fenner & Esler’s success as a leading provider of scalable professional liability insurance for engineers.