
Recent innovations in technology, energy efficient lighting, and design have set the stage for media architecture.  What effect will digital facades have on the urban built environ[...]
As the use of underground space for construction and design becomes more commonplace, engineers around the world often debate the benefits and disadvantage of tunneling vs. open cu[...]
Tensegrity engineering and architectural design utilizes a combination of isolated components, usually bars or struts contained inside a continuous net of precisely compressed cabl[...]
The aftermath of Hurricane Irma left much of the Florida Keys, the Virgin Islands, and the Caribbean completely uninhabitable, wreaking havoc on wastewater facilities and even unde[...]
An organization called the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) is responsible for overseeing the LEED rating system, and this institution has very different criteria depen[...]
In 2001, a young engineer from Hungary had the marvelous idea to invent a light transmitting concrete that would eventually revolutionize the design industry forever.  His name is [...]
For architects and engineers specializing in sustainable construction practices, an exterior façade of conventional solid brick is often a preferred aesthetic.  However, concerns o[...]
As the construction industry adapts to new trends in zero-energy construction, many often wonder if their initial design concepts automatically adhere to eco-friendly principles, a[...]
The precast concrete industry is gaining quite an excellent reputation for innovations in sound absorptive soundwall designs.  With the use of reusable plastic or rubber formliner,[...]
Bristol Community College (BCC) located in Fall River, Massachusetts, is one of the fastest growing educational facilities of its kind in the Northeastern United States.  When a ne[...]
UAS   Unmanned Ariel Systems (UAS), otherwise known as drones, are becoming an increasingly useful tool in the environmental land surveying, mapping, and engineering fields.  By co[...]
    Precast concrete As architectural designers and their clients are becoming increasingly eco-friendly, their discussions involving the optimized sustainability of buildings[...]